Legislation becomes law after the United States House and Senate vote approvingly on the exact same bill. urvote.org presents only these joint bills for consideration or when necessary non-legislative but important and immediate concerns. What better way to inform your congressperson than your actual vote on the same legislation or "news of the day".
Legislation can be complicated or less so depending on the scope and purpose, etc... Some legislation is procedural and generally not substantive for the everyday citizen. urvote.org presents only bills and joint resolutions that have successfully reached a floor vote in both houses of congress. When necessary, immediate public concerns that are not current legislation, but demand Congressional response may be presented.
Each urvote ballot has a link to further explore the issue. Any urvote ballot regarding any issue can be shared via social media by copying the link or simply sharing from whatever platform happens to present a ballot.
How will we use urvotes? Our goal is to publicize real time results of urvotes, so your legislator is more informed about specific legislation or "news of the day" and urvote on that issue. urvotes are anonymous by default,
Vote of the Day
Anytime you see a urvote ballot, vote if you are ready. If not, learn more about the issue using the link to the full bill and it's details. Then, come back and share urvote.
Anytime you encounter a urvote ballot...share on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, or the platform that suits you best and reaches the most voters.
Get involved locally, remain informed, and stick to the facts. If you disagree with or have an idea about legislation, contact your elected representatives using the Learn links above.